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I was losing my erection during intercourse and during oral sex with my girlfriend. I am in good health and have always enjoyed sex. It was difficult to pinpoint the problem so I decided to order some Viagra online. After a brief online consultation which decided I was suffering from slight ED, I ordered my Viagra which arrived in two days. I ordered a few pills and on the weekend decided to give it a go without saying anything to my girlfriend. 35 minutes before we went to bed I took half a pill, and WOW!! what a difference. I had a rock hard erection for over an hour of non stop sex. Even after I had climaxed I was ready to go again in twenty minutes, which we did. this lasted for over two hours, and I was still hard in the shower after. It was like being a teenager over again. Amazing!! If you have a problem with ED, try Viagra, it is great!!
Wilfred Cowens
April 12, 2016
I am on high blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I was having real difficulty getting an erection with my wife. In fact it had been six months since we have had satisfactory sex. It was next to impossible to get an erection. I decided to buy Viagra. We went away to a resort for a special weekend. What a surprise. I had a rock hard erection about a half hour after taking the pill. It was awesome, the rediscovery of my youthful sex power. Oh yes, and the big news. My wife is now pregnant.
Nicolas Hemmer
February 22, 2016
Cialis works in a strong, crude way with side effects. So I switched to Viagra. WONDERFUL! No side effects. Rock hard in 15 minutes, 20 max. Plus the erection "stays" when you change positions (not true of others). It does a great job of not only getting it up but keeping it up. This totally rocks even though insurance isn't paying for it.
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