2022.11.30 - Be proud of your run

randy ecuadorOn Thanksgiving Day, we are reminded of all the people, and all in life, that we are thankful for. There is also a time to give yourself credit for your efforts to enrich your own life, thus, enabling you to have more to give to others. When you wake to a dark, cold, windy morning and head out for your daily run, you are doing something heroic. You do this without fanfare or encouragement of any kind and there is nobody to hand you a medal at the finish line. The effort it took is known, experienced and appreciated only by you. It is important to recognize your dedication and accomplishment. Yep, you rock! The run was far from selfish. The run helped to make you physically and mentally healthy, it added to your self-confidence and left you ready to be productive in your family and work life. The run prepared you to be ready to help others and left you far less likely to need to be helped.


Love one another, yourself, and today’s run!


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who does yoga just to give myself a pat on the back occasionally. Ha. And I’m proud of your run, just sayin’ …


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