2022.12.14 - Every run is amazing

randy ecuadorYesterday I had a glorious morning run that was followed by a long tough day of I.T. problems and little accomplishment. Several times during the day I reflected back to the run and each time it gave me renewed energy and hope. I was reminded that much of what we get from a run comes to us far after the work is done. There have been difficult days that I’ve thought back to hard earned marathon finishes I’ve had that continue to push me forward and will for life. The run is so much more that it seems on the surface, each run comes with lifelong mental, physical, spiritual, and inspirational benefits.


Run today, you may need it tomorrow,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who also realized that during a run, my body refuses to let me be angry. The run is smarter than we are!


A New Book from the Obsessed Runner Himself

Get Your Butt Out The Door